Dave Gomel

Dave Gomel - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in January 2020


5k: 18:39, 10k: 37:57, Half Marathon: 1:26:47, Marathon: 2:57:08

Social Handles:

IG: dgomel

Long-Term Running Goals:

1) Get out of the injury cycle I found myself in pre-DWR and be in a position to set PRs for years to come; 2) See how fast I can get!

Most Memorable Race:

When someone asks me how to pronounce my last name, I usually respond: "As if you were cheering on a guy named Mel. Go Mel!" I paced my brother for his first marathon (NYC 2019) and it occurred to me that I might be able to get the crowds cheering for both of us if I wore a "Mel" name tag. With a hot pink singlet and a bushy mustache, I got a lot of attention from the crowds and we had hundreds of people shouting our name the entire race. NYC was an incredible experience, and my alter-ego Mel made it all the more fun. The mustache was short lived however... negotiations for its return for future marathons are ongoing with my wife.

Fun Facts:

  • Fully recovered Canadian. Except when it comes to hockey (Go Habs!) and maple syrup. And bagels.

  • Incidentally, Montreal bagels make the best pre-race meal. Took up baking them when my supply ran low. Inquire within for the authentic recipe!

  • Have a habit of trying lots of new things on race day - new shoes, new gels, new clothes, etc. Hasn't backfired yet, but stay tuned for the inevitable spectacular blow up.

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.