Jeannie Sullivan

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in October 2018


5k: 17:32, Half Marathon: 1:23:04, Marathon 2:49:48

Social Handles:

IG: sully_jeannie

Long-Term Running Goals:

Become faster as a Masters runner!

Most Memorable Race:

The Chicago Marathon 2018 - it was such a great day for me despite being rainy - it’s the race where I nabbed my marathon PR and really proved to me that I can be competitive in this chapter in my life and don’t have to give up on PRs after having kids!

Fun Facts:

  • I have 4 kids ages 6-2 (soon to be 6-13, lord help us) so my life is a cluster of kid activity scheduling nightmares

  • I ran XC and track at the University of Michigan 💛💙

  • I’m on the Tailwind Core Team and am obsessed!

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:

Afternoon but I also really enjoy a summer evening run - just wash all the bugs off ASAP after

Solo or With Friends?:

I like a good solo effort to sort out my thoughts and just be alone (there is not a lot of solitude in a house with 4 kids!) but I love chatting with friends for a fun long run

Summer or Winter?:

Summer but no one likes extremes! I hate running in a ton of layers though.

Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.