Lydia Nader

Lydia Nader - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in June 2020


Mile: 5:55, 10M: 1:09:54, Half Marathon: 1:29:38, Marathon: 3:12:10

Social Handles:

IG: fuelwithnader

Long-Term Running Goals:

Break 3 hours in the marathon

Running Start:

I started running because of Girls on the Run when I was at a new school and that organization helped me discover my passion for running and helped me make lifelong friends. I continued to run after going through the GOTR program and it made me into the person and runner I am today.

Fun Facts:

  • I was homeschooled until 4th grade

  • I used to ride horses at a young age

  • I love running with dogs! Keeps me honest on my easy runs :)

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.