Brianna Wynne

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in July 2022


Mile: 5:46, 5k: 19:59, 8k: 31:34, 10k: 40:24, 10M: 1:11:49, Half Marathon 1:28:09, Marathon: 3:01:53

Social Handles:

IG: briannnawynne

Most Memorable Race:

The 2023 Boston Marathon- this was one of my first marathon cycles with the team. I had run several spring marathons in the past, but was never consistent with strength work, training on hills, speed workouts, or running outdoors in the winter. On race day, I was surprised by how great I felt going into the second half and ended up running a 4 minute negative split. This race got me very excited to see what I am capable of as a runner with amazing coaches and teammates by my side! 

Running Start:

During my Freshman year of high school, one of my rowing teammates and I would race the warm-up run everyday. Eventually, after exhausting ourselves before a really challenging practice, we decided to warm up together. We became close friends and eventually started doing long runs on the weekend. We set a goal to run a marathon by the end of high school. Senior year we both completed our first marathon. Since then, I have been hooked!

Fun Facts:

  • I have eaten waffles for breakfast everyday for nearly 6 years and they never get old.

  • I collect the ice cream hats from baseball stadiums. My goal is to get them all!

  • I rowed on the lightweight rowing team at UW-Madison for 4 years.

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.