Catharine Carlin

Catharine Carlin - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in October 2015


5k: 20:04, 10k: 42:30, Half Marathon: 1:32:18, Marathon: 3:19:25

Social Handles:

IG: catharinecarlin

Long-Term Running Goals:

Set new PRs, run injury free

Running Start:

I was living in Allentown, PA and running on the treadmill at the local gym. The guy next to me invited me to run with an informal group that did 6 at 6. I started racing 5Ks with them and then a 10 miler, followed by a half marathon.

Fun Facts:

I was a high jumper for Ohio State. Two laps around the track was "distance running”.

Track or Trails?:

Scenic routes with smooth surfaces (I trip and fall often). I love routes near water that involve bridges.

Morning or Afternoon?:

Evening, but wish I was better at getting up early.

Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:

Spring and Fall - cooler temps, more daylight

Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.