Jamie Hershfang

Jamie Hershfang - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in May 2016


5k (track): 17:34, 10k (track): 35:57, Half Marathon: 1:19:09, Marathon: 2:49:20, 50M: 6:07:11

Social Handles:

IG & Twitter: jamiehershfang, Strava: Jamie Hershfang

Long-Term Running Goals:

Qualify to represent team USA at a world championship in an ultra event (50k, 100k, and maybe more)

Most Memorable Run:

Running a solo 100k in the streets of Chicago during quarantine. Before running this distance, the farthest I ever ran was 50k. I was hoping to break 8 hours and ended up unofficially running 7:36:40. The whole experience was surreal and made me believe I could really dip my toes into the ultra world.

Fun Facts:

  • I’m a peanut butter connoisseur

  • I’ve lived on the same street my entire life

  • I’m a running shoe geek...ask me anything!

Track or Trails?:

Road loops! There’s something about running in circles that I just love!

Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

I used to be a lone wolf but found how much I enjoy running with people. My morning runs have become my social hour and workouts always go better with people who push you further and faster!

Summer or Winter?:

A little bit of both. I love training in the cold and feeling like a winter warrior. But there’s nothing quite like the summer tan lines from running in the sun everyday!

Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.