Laura Julien

Laura Julien - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in June 2018


5k: 20:17, 10k: 41:56, 8k: 32:56, Half Marathon: 1:33:42, Marathon: 3:19:50

Most Memorable Race:

Winning a local 10k pushing my (then) 1 year old in a stroller.

Running Start:

My obsession with running started when I was at cheerleading practice in 6th grade. The high school cross country team was doing a hill workout along the same field we were practicing. They looked miserable, but something about their sheer grit and determination intrigued me. I remember going home and asking what "sport" that was, because I wanted in.

Fun Facts:

  • I have qualified for the Boston Marathon a number of times over the last 10 years, but each time *something* prevents me from running. It has (almost) become comical.

  • I am addicted to coffee (especially after runs). So much so that my daughter asks to go "running" with me because she knows we will go to the coffee shop and get a treat after.

  • I am obsessed with collecting running gadgets and tech but don't know how to use most of them. I am also a running shoe hoarder.

Track or Trails?:

Depends on the mood

Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.