Mary Tobin

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in June 2019


Mile: 6:13, 5k: 20:46, 8k: 34:13, 10k: 43:21, 10M: 1:14:42, Half Marathon: 1:34:06, Marathon: 3:18:36

Social Handles:

IG: marybtob

Long-Term Running Goals:

Get my marathon PR down by a few more minutes, run sub-1:30 half, run the Boston Marathon again!

Most Memorable Race:

NYC Marathon 2019! I was fresh off a big PR at the Chicago Marathon a few weeks earlier and ran it at a relaxed pace with two friends, Laura and Lauren, who also both PRed at Chicago. We had the BEST weekend in NYC with our families and the best fall weather- the whole experience was very stress-free and so much fun. Finishing the race together in Central Park, which is in my top three favorite places to run, was the cherry on top of a fantastic experience.

Fun Facts:

  • I took Swedish language for two semesters in college.

  • I did competitive Irish step dancing when I was in middle and high school.

  • I am obsessed with Trader Joe's and go there pretty much every week :)

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.