Pam Orvis

Pam Orvis - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in March 2018


1500m: 4:42, 5k: 21:28, 10k: 45:15, Half Marathon: 1:40, Marathon: 3:34

Social Handles:

IG: pamorvis, Strava: Pamela Orvis, FB: Pam Weider Orvis

Most Memorable Race:

I took many years off of focused training and racing for family and work. When I returned to running, I had no intentions of marathoning. Yet someone "planted the seed". Leading up to the 2018 Houston marathon, everything just "clicked". My body felt good, I had good feelings about the race, and the course, the people, and the motivation was huge. I qualified for my first Boston and had a 20 minute PR almost 14 years after my last marathon.

Running Role Model:

My Dad will always be my role model who was my first and biggest fan. A runner himself, with my encouragement, he returned to running when I was a young adult. He fell in love with trail marathons and qualified for Boston multiple times but never actually registered to run it. His love for running was pure joy and I will always treasure the runs we shared together.

Fun Facts:

  • My senior year of high school my XC team won the state meet and subsequently my senior year of college my XC team won nationals. Fun memories!

  • I've now completed my first Boston marathon and it was an incredible experience!

  • While I enjoy lots of musical genres, I don't know why it often surprises people that I love hard rock music!

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:

Both - depends on what life has in store for the day!

Solo or With Friends?:

Both are great but most often I'm solo

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.