Cassidy McPherson

Cassidy McPherson - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in November 2019


800m: 2:16, 1500m: 4:39, 3k Steeplechase: 10:56, 3M XC: 17:38, 6k XC: 21:58, 8k: 31:36, 10k: 41:23, 10M: 1:09:53, Half Marathon: 1:33:38

Social Handles:

IG: djcass317

Most Memorable Race:

My final track race in college -- I had only run the steeplechase a few times prior, and the week before had a DNF (nearly passed out a mile in due to some unforeseen circumstances), so I was unsure how this race would go. I kept a positive attitude throughout and came away with an 18 second PR, narrowly missing qualifying for the national meet but ending my collegiate career on a high note nonetheless.

Running Role Model:

My parents are my biggest running role models and motivators. My dad hasn't missed a day of running in over 20 years... though this is arguably crazy, I can't help but be inspired by his constant dedication and persistence.

Fun Facts:

  • I've been running competitively since I was 11

  • Onions are my favorite food

  • I studied in Barcelona during college

Track or Trails?:

Depends on the day!

Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.
